Since I rarely do an update post. In the past few days, the amount of traffic this blog has decreased significantly. Some ways of instant and rapid start I apply. From blogwalking, submit long articles to the site ad free. But my alexa value, even down to around 261 thousands. I went back to play the brain, how can I make the number of visits to com back up?
Finally, I tried to googling in search of inspiration so that the value alexa back up as before-thanksgiving thanksgiving instead of around 100 thousands. It turned out to increase the traffic there is a wide variety of ways. Wow ... even mumet (dizziness) hehehehe ...
In the spirit of 45, I also kept trying to pick up some tricks to create a blog to be visited and tried to assemble some way in order to obtain maximum results.
There are 27 ways to make the blog is always crowded visited, among others:
1. Fill your blog with articles that much, people are more interested to visit the rich content blogs are not just blogs that have articles / contain only similar example only discuss about online business, blogs etc. tutorials. So that as owner of the blog, we must always make the articles of diverse topics / themes and of course the article must be fully qualified. This will make visitors more, and always craving to visit our blog.
2. Make arrangements layout / design blog as interesting as possible, Choose a template to draw and do you think settlement layout as neat as possible. Blog layout and avoid a messy and less pleasant to look at. Because according to past experience, there are a visitor to my blog which is always a routine visit because he was interested to see the arrangement of the front page of my blog, and articles that I post my opinion not very interesting.
3. Use your blog name that is memorable. Catchy blog name will make our blogs more frequently visited.
4. Try to write articles about any other web site, because according to experience, many website owners who like to collect good articles for uploads on their sites. Maybe this is one opportunity that is often neglected by the beginner blogger like me. Due to contribute an article for another site will make us become more popular blogs in cyberspace. Believe it or not, please prove your own.
There are several sites that used to gather articles, among others,,, and
5. For a new blog to do a press statement (press release), this method proved to be powerful enough to promote a new blog to the world. There are several sites that can be used as a forum for promotion for our new blog, among others:,, and
6. Actively join in the forums, this proved to be quite a powerful way to bring visitors to your blog. You can join in mylot.
7. Always give the identity / tags on each image / images you have uploaded on every posts. Give the image keywords in tags "alt" and "title"
8. Create a blog as a place of discussion, which must be done is to immediately provide feedback on each new comment. Because many visitors are attracted by the dynamic bloggers (quickly respond to any new comment)
9. Make posts to other blogs, each making a link to another blog post, will automatically create a trackback or better known as the pingback. And if their blog trackback enabled, then you will get a linkback.
10. Install the plugin Google Analytic, because with Analytic google installed then you can continuously control the statistic keywords used by visitors in search of your blog on search engines. Obviously this will facilitate us in effective keywords for each article.
11. Often other diblog comment, perhaps this way the easiest way to blog with us is known by other visitors. Because almost 100 percent each will give a comment, you are required to write your name and your web page. This mode is also quite effective also in increasing the page rank, because if we commented in DoFollow blog, then we also automatically get a backlink.
12. Make friendship with other bloggers by way of exchange links, it is also powerful enough to raise the amount of traffic to our blog.
13. Make the title of the article is interesting and raises the curiosity of visitors to want to read the contents of this article.
14. Always submit a new article to the social bookmarking site, is quite an effective way to bring thousands of visitors. Do submit articles to social sites like boomark,,,,, etc..
15. Linkbond Make as much as possible on each article, forming a fabric article. If there is one of those articles of interest to visit and in the article there are links on other articles, the majority of visitors will visit the other articles. And of course this will make the blog page views also increased.
16. Use Feedburner for people subscribe to your blog. When someone subscribe to your blog via RSS or get your blog updates via email, they will see your post when there is nothing new. This will be vital to keep the readers keep in touch with your blog, and pull them back.
17. Write a pillar post. This post is not just a list post. This post is from your blog. Potingan is usually very long, authoritative, instructional. This post requires a long time to write it. You must link to the pillar post as much as possible in your blog, make sure the pillar post to get the most attention. This post will get linked to and a lot of traffic.
18. Make your blog as a means to entertain visitors, the majority of visitors want to get something that makes them come back happy and refreshed. Make an article that contains a joke-a joke that is far from pornography.
19. Put polls on your blog, visitors want to always see the results of your polls that there in blog.
20. Perform Optimization SEO, want to know how to do SEO optimization, please click here
21. Order review through ReviewMe. If you order reviews on other blogs with ReviewMe or PayPerPost people will read about your blog. Review is the best way you advertise your blog to get a faithful reader
22. If you have excess funds, do the purchase of advertising on Google Adwords.
23. Give the picture / image in each article, the majority of visitors attracted to the first image compared with the title and contents of the article. Thus give a picture that was quite interesting, so that the visitors are interested in visiting your blog.
24. Create a review of a product, If you make a good review of a product, it will be the attention of people who are interested in these products. Make a review of a product are more loved today.
25. Sharing. Make your blog as a means of sharing of various knowledge, experience of everything you have.
26. Always be yourself. Most visitors love the blog that really uniqe, other than the other. Because usually these blogs will serve as a source of inspiration for other visitors.
27. Do not ever give in to always develop your blog. Starting from the number of quality articles and blog article itself.
27 ways to make blogs so always visited, I hope this simple article could help in increasing the number of blog visitors. If you have any other way, please fill in the comment box. Suggestions and criticism I will receive gracefully for the progress of Indonesian bloggers in enhancing the good name of the Indonesian
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